Nikola Tesla (born July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Austrian Empire [now in Croatia]—died January 7, 1943, New York, New York, United States), Serbian American inventor and engineer who developed and patented the rotating magnetic field, the foundation of most alternating-current technology. He also created the three-phase electric power transmission system. In 1884, he went to the United States and sold the patent rights to his method of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse. In 1891, he designed the Tesla coil, an induction coil that is widely utilised in radio technology.
About Tesla
He studied engineering at the Technical University of Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague. He first saw the Gramme dynamo in Graz, which worked as a generator and, when reversed, became an electric motor, and he conceived of a way to employ alternating current to his benefit.
Later, in Budapest, he imagined the rotating magnetic field principle and devised ideas for an induction motor, which would be his first step toward the successful use of alternating current. Tesla began working for the Continental Edison Company in Paris in 1882, and while on assignment in Strassburg in 1883, he built his first induction motor after hours.
Tesla departed for America in 1884, arriving in New York with four pennies in his pocket, a handful of his own poems, and calculations for a flying machine. He first worked with Thomas Edison, but the two innovators’ backgrounds and approaches were so dissimilar that their separation was unavoidable.
In May 1888, George Westinghouse, president of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, purchased the patent rights to Tesla’s polyphase system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors. The purchase triggered a titanic power battle between Edison’s direct-current systems and the Tesla-Westinghouse alternating-current strategy, which eventually won out.
Tesla Laboratory
Tesla quickly built his own laboratory, where his brilliant imagination could be unleashed. He experimented with shadowgraphs, which Wilhelm Röntgen would later use when he discovered X-rays in 1895. Among Tesla’s numerous experiments were those involving a carbon button lamp, the power of electrical resonance, and various types of lighting.
To dispel apprehensions about alternating currents, Tesla staged demonstrations in his laboratory in which he lit lamps by allowing electricity to flow through his body. He was frequently invited to give lectures both at home and abroad. The Tesla coil, which he designed in 1891, is still commonly used in radios, television sets, and other electronic devices today. That year also commemorated the date of Tesla’s U.S. citizenship.
Tesla produced what he considered his most important discovery—terrestrial stationary waves—in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he stayed from May 1899 to early 1900. He demonstrated that Earth could be utilised as a conductor and made to vibrate at a specific electrical frequency through this discovery. He also lighted 200 wireless lamps from a distance of 40 kilometres (25 miles) and created man-made lightning, creating flashes of 41 metres (135 feet). He was once convinced that he had received signals from another planet in his Colorado laboratory, a claim that was ridiculed in some scientific journals.
Top 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla
1.Tesla Coil
You’ve probably seen this invention before. It is a transformer that generates high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating-current energy. It seems to observers as if lightning is being shot into the air.
A Tesla coil is made up of a main and secondary coil, each with its own capacitor to store electrical energy. The spark gap connects the two coils and capacitors. The system is powered by a high-voltage supply.
The capacitor in the primary coil finally charges up to the point where it breaks down the air resistance in the spark gap. The current then flows from the capacitor down the primary coil, creating a magnetic field.
This field collapses fast, causing an electric current to flow through the secondary coil. The voltage racing through the air between the two coils flashes, and ultimately the charge in the secondary capacitor becomes so high that it bursts loose in a dramatic burst of electric current.
With no wire connection, the generated high-frequency voltage can illuminate fluorescent bulbs many feet distant.
2. Magnifying Transmitter
Tesla envisioned the Tesla Coil to be a component of a wireless power system, and it was a key component in many of Tesla’s other projects.
He saturated his lab with electromagnetic energy by looping a wire connected to the resonator around it, and he was able to light a fluorescent bulb held in his palm because the voltage drop through the air was large enough to create a sufficient current flow.
He was also able to light a field of bulbs at a distance of 1 kilometre using a magnifying transmitter. The magnifying transmitter was an adaption of the Tesla coil, except that instead of discharging to the earth, it created standing waves of electrical energy that could be harnessed by a tuned receiving circuit circuit device.
3.Tesla Turbine
Tesla saw the rise of the piston engine in the vehicle sector as an opportunity to make a positive difference in the world. He created his own turbine-style engine that used combustion to turn discs.
His engine’s fuel efficiency was as high as 90%, a significant feat given that this is comparable to the efficiency of some current turbines.
4.The Shadowgraph
While Rontgen is credited with creating the first X-ray films, known as shadowgraphs, there is clear evidence that Tesla was also working in this field. The issue is that Tesla lost a large portion of his work owing to a fire in his laboratory.
When Tesla attempted to utilise a vacuum tube to obtain an image of Mark Twain, he may have produced the first x-ray image in the United States. The resulting image, however, instead of Twain, showed the screw for setting the camera lens.
He did eventually produce shadowgraph images of the human body, shortly after Roentgen’s discovery was reported on November 8, 1895. Tesla also discussed some of the clinical advantages of x-rays.
5. The Radio
Tesla found that he could use his coils to transmit and receive powerful radio signals by setting them to resonate at the same frequency before his lab burned down. He was ready to send a signal 50 miles from his lab to West Point, New York, by early 1895. However, the fire in Tesla’s laboratory ruined his work.
While he was reconstructing, a young Italian experimenter named Guglielmo Marconi, who was working in England, received the first patent for wireless telegraphy.
Later, when Marconi staged long-distance demonstrations, he utilised a Tesla oscillator to send signals over the English Channel.
6.Neon Light
Tesla did not invent fluorescent or neon lighting, but he did contribute to their advancement. He used the lights to make the first neon sign.
He displayed neon light signs and how they can make distinctive designs and even form words at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. Tesla can help you find your favourite bar.
7. Niagara Falls Transformer House
When it came to determining who would build a power generator at Niagara Falls, Thomas Edison was the first name that came to mind. However, after analysing Tesla’s work for Westinghouse Electric, the Niagara Falls commission decided on alternating current power.
Despite reservations, Tesla’s technology performed admirably and became a standard for hydroelectric power.
8. Induction Motor
Galileo Ferraris and Nikola Tesla independently invented the first AC commutator-free three-phase induction motor. Although Ferraris exhibited his engine first in 1885, Tesla was the first to file for a patent.
In 1888, Tesla’s patents were licenced to George Westinghouse, who was building an alternating current power system at the time. Even today, this sort of motor is extensively employed in vacuums, blow dryers, and power tools.
9.Radio Controlled Boat
Tesla created the first radio-controlled boat, the Teleautomaton. After being denied a patent because the patent office did not believe it was practical, he demonstrated the boat at the 1898 Electrical Exhibition, proving them incorrect.
10. Alternating Current
Tesla’s biggest achievement is alternating current. While he did not originate AC power, he did make it widely available.
AC power enables electricity to be sent across vast distances much more efficiently. Westinghouse purchased Tesla’s alternating current patents and used them to bid on the illumination of the Chicago World’s Fair.
They got the contract and were able to offer power for roughly $150,000, which was less than what direct current would have cost.
The Key to the Universe : Tesla’s Secret Code 3,6,9 ?
The September 1899 Cape Yakataga and Yakutat Bay earthquakes in Alaska are alleged to have been caused by Nikola Tesla from Colorado Springs.
These ‘earthquakes’ occurred on –
3rd September 1899
6th September, 1899
9th September, 1899
He claims that as a result of these experiences,
Perhaps he discovered the secret of the cosmos during these three ‘earthquakes’ and chose to keep it to himself.
What Tesla Trying to Say?
He told, “If you knew the magnificence of the three, six, and nine, you would have a key to the universe.”
Man did not invent mathematics. It was instead discovered. Math is the universal law of the universe, and 2+2 will always equal four no matter where you are. This also applies to patterns found in the universe. Many of these patterns serve as the foundation for sacred geometry.
The power of binary and the power of the number two is one of nature’s fundamental patterns. Cells and embryos also follow this pattern, which is: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and so forth.
Scientist Marko Rodin claims that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 form a vector from the third to the fourth dimension that he refers to as the “flux field.” This field contains a higher dimensional energy that generates the energy circuit of the six spots listed below.
Take the number one as an example. When you multiply it by two, you get two. When you multiply it by two, you get four. When you multiply four by two, you get 8. When you multiply eight by two, you get 16. If you add 1+6 which equals 7, 16 twice equals 32, and the result of 3+2 equals 5. You can keep doing this, but you will never reach the digits 3, 6, and 9. No of how far you get, none of your outcomes will feature those figures.
However, try multiplying by three. You’ll get six, then double six, for a total of twelve. 1+2 equals 3, yet there is no 9 in this pattern. However, if you create a pattern using the number 9, something completely different occurs.9+9 equals 18, 1+8 equals 9. The answer is always 9, no matter how many times you try it.
The Magnificence of 9
To begin, consider two polar opposites. North and South, as well as Light and Dark, can be used.
On one side, there are 1, 2, and 4; on the other, there are 8, 7, and 5. Everything in our Universe is a flow between these two extremes. Similar to a pendulum, the movement between the two would resemble the infinity symbol.
The numbers 3 and 6 govern both sides. As three governs one, two, and four, and six governs eight, seven, and five. If you look attentively at the pattern, you’ll notice that 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 4 = 6, 4 + 8 = 3, 8 + 7 =6, 7 + 5 = 3, 5 + 1 = 6, 1 + 2 = 3.
On a larger scale, the pattern would be 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6………
And the numbers 3 and 6 are regulated by……9.
While the numbers appear to be mind-boggling at first, they actually make a continuous pattern that may continue on forever, or times infinity. Many people felt Tesla was insane, but it wasn’t so much that he was insane as it was that his mind thought so profoundly that he genuinely uncovered the mathematical equation for the Universe.